Querying your API (client)

Type generation

By default fuse will use gql.tada (opens in a new tab) to type your GraphQL documents.

Folks who have been with fuse longer might still be on the GraphQL Code Generator default, we still support this! We'll check whether tadaOutputLocation is set in the tsconfig and whether you have gql.tada intalled. If not, we'll fall back to the GraphQL Code Generator.

Migrating to gql.tada

To migrate to gql.tada we'll need to ensure that the LSP is working correctly and is upgraded to v1, when that is working we can install gql.tada and add tadaOutputLocation: '{src}/fuse/introspection.ts' to the graphqlsp config in the tsconfig file.

After that you can delete the fragment-masking, gql and graphql typescript files which are present in the fuse folder.

Opting out of gql.tada

You can opt out of gql.tada by uninstalling the package and removing tadaOutputLocation from the tsconfig.